Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm back and have lots to tell!

What a whirlwind! First, I apologize for the lack of blogging. So much has been going on and I can't wait to tell you about it!
My hubby and I just bought a new condo. It is gorgeous! The river wraps around the front and side of the building. I just can't wait to move in! Naturally, as a designer, I have pretty much gutted the entire place. My husband thinks I am insane! At the moment, my Mohawk floors, carpet, and tile are on order. I am loving the look. Very organic and natural. In fact, I want to take you on the journey with me. It'll be fun to go through this process together. The big question is, "What does a designer do to their own home!!??". It really is different when it comes to designing my own space. It is so much easier designing for others! Here is what I do know about how I want my new home to look. I am going for a very modern look yet very comfy, y'know- clean lines, crisp light tones, lots of texture, and a few pops of color. I want an open floorplan and tons of light.
I am going to start researching furniture because that part takes a long time! A lot of sofas can take up to 12 weeks to get so I better get a move on it or else we'll be watching tv while sitting on milk crates. That is definitely not the look I'm going for.

More good news! I just got back from Chicago. I was a guest on.......OPRAH!!! It was a dream come true (well, it's pretty much everyone's dream come true!). The show is going to air in early March, but I promise to keep you posted on the exact date as soon as I know. I won't give away the show, but I will tell you that there was a makeover involved. I was sitting on stage next to her and it was a surreal moment. Completely amazing!

That's all for now. I will post some pictures of my new place so you can see it from start to finish.
Thanks for checking back in!!
Hugs! Taniya