Monday, March 24, 2008

March Madness :)

Wow- its been a busy month so far. I started the month out by going to the Bahamas for a Home Show. I gave a couple of seminars on value adding tips for the home. It was awesome! Everyone was wonderful and warm. I was thrilled to find out how many people watch HGTV in the Bahamas! I don't know why, but it surprised me a little. :)
I came back to DC and back to work, which never really feels like "work". We made over a bachelor pad when I returned and it was a total turn around. It will not air for at least 6 mos., but I can't wait for it! We have completed 2 more houses since then.

I have found that many people have ideas and creativity but just need a little kick in rear to make things happen. I suppose that is why we (DTS) are here. I always hear, "we have been planning to that for a long time but never got around to it." My feeling is this- try to do as little or as much as you can within your means. When you make upgrades just to sell the place, then you never really get a chance to enjoy it for yourself. Really, think about it. Why are you going to make upgrades just in time to sell them? Yes- you should do it no matter what to add value to the house, but at least try to get some enjoyment from it too! You will be happy that you did it.

Next up, I am heading to Reno, Nevada this weekend (March 29th & 30th). There is going to be a Spring Total Reno Home Show. If you are in town, stop by. I will be presenting on stage followed by a meet and greet. Yes, I will answer all of your design dilemmas! :)
On Sat. I will be on at 2pm and 5pm. On Sun. I will be on at 1pm and 3pm.
That's is the latest!


  1. Hello Taniya
    I'm Anthony with the outdated kitchen in Michigan.I'm not ready to tackle that yet but I'm going to
    take your advice about making upgrades by painting living room and dining room so I can get some enjoyment out of it myself.
    The reason that I'm not selling right now(I'll wait a couple of years)is that it's very slow in Michigan right now.
    My question:Is four different colors too many to use....
    (tera cota,chocolate brown,tan and
    green)on the walls if I seperate them with chairails? I was told by a friend that I should use no more than three colors.

  2. Taniya
    I would like to say congratulations on your great show Designed to Sell. I manage a major Federal building in downtown Washington DC which regularly hosts the President of the United States and many foreign heads of state. We could most definitely use your talent to promote our building to the world. Keep up the great work!!!
