Sunday, February 17, 2008

Its been a long time! So sorry. I have been getting lots of emails and can't tell you how great it is to get your comments and feedback. Things have been awesome! We are working harder than ever! So many houses- so little time. Many of you have been asking about availabilty for a consultation. I am limited to the DC area at the time and the big bummer on consults is that our shoot schedule is very ambitious so it leaves little time to offer at the moment. BUT send in questions and I promise to try to answer as many as possible. If many of you have the same question, just check the blog.
The other email I have gotten a few times is in regards to some of the goofiness on the show. I have a little bit of insight on this for those interested. First, we really are having a blast and genuinly have such a family environment. I think that comes across clearly. Next, something to keep in mind is that we shoot all week and have countless hours of footage that gets sorted through and made into a 22 minute episode. Depending on what the writers, producers, and editors want you to see is what you'll end up seeing. So yes- there is a lot of goofing around, but we always get the job done. I just want to show you all how much fun it can be to design and that it doesn't need to be intense all the time. So there ya have it. Check back in soon!
All the Best! T

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